Red Carpet Healthy


Holiday over-eating and lack of exercise can make you gain a few pounds. And you probably want your body to be like it was before. Just consider that getting back into shape is hard and usually takes at least 4 to 6 weeks. When you quit working out, even if it’s only for 3 days, your lungs begin to lose elasticity, your blood vessels shrink, your heart pumps less blood per beat, so it might take awhile to get your body back to working at its optimal level and looking as good as it did. Here are some tricks to kick start your post-holiday health regime!


If you were working out before the holiday indulgences, keep the same exercise routine for 2 weeks, but with lighter weights. You may also want to extend your warm-up and aerobic cool down time.

The first trick I’m going to talk about is improving your posture posture. You may not get taller with this exercise, but the effects on your posture can be practically the same! Just stand your back flat against a wall. Push your head, shoulder and the backs of your hands against the wall and hold for 20 seconds. Repeat this five times a day, with a short rest in between. You’ll notice the changes in a few days!

Second… so you want tighter abs, fast? 20 crunches every night will help eliminate the Christmas fat away. To do them, all you need is to lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat, keep your hands by your temples and focus on a spot on the ceiling. Then lift your upper body, hold for 2 seconds go back to the first position.

Does it seem like all the cakes and pies went directly to your tushie? Well, there might be a solution for that too. Starts on all fours with hands in line with shoulders, having your stomach tight and back straight. Then push the soles of your feet towards the ceiling, keeping the knee bent, with one foot and then the other. 20 repetitions 3 times a week should help shape that posterior.

Always check with your health care provider before starting a fitness program. Do you have any tips on getting back in shape?


Written by Pol Smith

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Beauty February 6th, 2024

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