Red Carpet Healthy


Who here loves a good concert? I do, I do! Well, now it seems there is scientific evidence that suggests going to concerts may add years to your life. Yes, you heard me right!


Here is how it works. A scientific study conducted by O2 and Patrick Fagan, expert in behavioural science and Associate Lecturer at Goldsmith’s University, revealed that with just 20 minutes of concert-going, there was a significant 21% increase in feelings of wellbeing amongst its subjects. Furthermore, added research indicated that increased feelings of well-being to a longer lifespan of an additional nice years, thereby linking concert-going to an increase in longevity. Hallelujah!

According to the study, “The gig experience increased participants feelings of wellbeing by 21% – with key markers across the happiness spectrum showing increases, including feelings of self-worth (+25%) and closeness to others (+25%) whilst mental stimulation climbed by an impressive 75%.”

So how often to concert? The study recommends once every two weeks. Patrick Fagan, Expert in Behavioural Science and Associate Lecturer at Goldsmith’s University, said, “Our research showcases the profound impact gigs have on feelings of health, happiness and wellbeing – with fortnightly or regular attendance being the key. Combining all of our findings with O2’s research, we arrive at a prescription of a gig a fortnight which could pave the way for almost a decade more years of life.”

So will you start going to more live shows now?


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Posted in Red Carpet Healthy


wood therapy

Beauty February 6th, 2024

wood therapy treatment