Every year, hundreds of thousands of baby seals are brutally murdered during the commercial Canadian seal hunt. They are clubbed, beaten to death, shot, and even skinned alive. And this year, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has increased the number of harp, grey, and hooded seals allowed to be slaughtered to 468,200. That is 80,000 more than last year and the most since the Canadian government introduced the quota system in 1971. And it actually exceeds the number of seals killed in the 1950’s & 60’s when the population of harp seals was reduced by almost 2/3.
Why do these animals suffer senselessly like this? Because there is still a strong market for their fur. I much prefer to see fur on the bodies of animals, not humans. And if you agree and if you are against the slaughter, you can let your voice be heard by the Canadian Prime Minister. Click here to sign the Humane Society International’s petition to stop the commercial seal hunt in Canada.
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