This is an especially difficult time at the animal shelters, which are literally bursting at the seams with adoptable animals looking for forever homes. Sadly, most of them get euthanized due to overcrowding and lack of space. Pet adoption is a great way to save an animal’s life, and is extremely rewarding as well. And November is Adopt-A-Senior Dog Month, although I think they are the perfect companions year-round! If you are interested in fostering/rescuing/adopting a pet, here are some excellent resources to help you with your search:,, NKLA or the ASPCA website. If you find a pet that you love who happens to be out of your area, always ask the shelter or rescue group about possible pet transportation to your area. Adopt, don’t shop.

Click here to go to the LA Animal Services homepage for a list of adoptable animals in LA city shelters.
Click here to view adoptable animals in the New York City shelters.
Click here to view adoptable animals in Miami shelters.
Click here to view adoptable animals in Dallas shelters.
Click here to view adoptable animals in Boston shelters.
Click here to view adoptable animals in Chicago shelters.
Click here to join Red Carpet Roxy on Twitter and here for the RCR Facebook page.