Red Alert


Halloween can be a fun time for both humans and pets, as long as everyone is safe. And the Humane Society has some great recommendations on how you can keep your furry, four-legged friends happy and healthy this festive holiday.

Halloween Dog Picture

  • Have a safe area in the house where pets can stay during trick-or-treat time when the front door will be opened frequently and strangers will be at the front door. Keep in mind that pets can also get scared by Halloween costumes and masks.
  • Don’t take your dogs trick-or-treating because they can get spooked by all of the Halloween commotion resulting in a possible lost pet or even biting. No bueno. ID tags are necessary.
  • Keep all candy and treats away from animals, particularly edibles with chocolate, gum and xylitol (a sweetener) because those are especially poisonous.
  • Children will sometimes mistakenly give pets candy. Please be aware of this and keep an eye on kids with candy.
  • If you prefer to dress your pet up, then be sure to make sure their costumes are comfortable and that they can move around freely. Don’t dress them in anything that may impede them. Also, skip costumes with chewable or removable parts because they can choke your pet.

Hopefully, you are your pet will have a safe, happy and healthy Halloween!

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