Red Alert


It is absolutely tragic what has gone on in Syria. The war-torn nation and its citizens have experienced some of the most horrific, violent actions we have ever seen. And that suffering extends to animals as well.

starving syrian lion

A zoo, called The Magic World, has been completely neglected for some time and the remaining animals are starving to death. All of the residents left are two highly-emaciated tigers, two bears, and several monkeys in cages.

bear eating honey

An ambulance driver and animal rescuer, Mohammad Alaa Jaleel, known as Alaa. He has been trying his best to take care of these animals, but he desperately needs help. He has been bringing fresh meat to the animals, which has been donated by his supporters.”They are undernourished and are dying of hunger,” Abidin wrote. “We want to find them an association or some person that can bear the cost of their food. It costs 100 € per day to feed these animals.”


Long term care is needed for these animals to survive, and so far, no organizations have stepped up to help Alaa. The clock is ticking. Until he can find help, Alaa has been trying to comfort the starving animals, even offering the bears some honey which they loved. But he needs assistance in what is sure to be a long, arduous journey.

To learn how you can help feed the animals abandoned at the zoo, you can request to join this Facebook group.

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