Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Taylor, who dreamed that one day she’d become a huge country star. Fast-forward a few years and she’s Billboard’s highest earning music artist.
Somewhere along the way Taylor seems to have turned fantasy into reality and has ever since been living a fairytale. Today, Taylor Swift casually hangs out with her supermodel and celebrity best friends, has become the epitome of perfect street style, and bakes cupcakes like she hasn’t a care in the world.
The simply chic and talented artist seems to have it all figured out- even the music industry. On July 7th, she wrote an Op-Ed article for the Wall Street Journal proclaiming her optimistic belief “that the music industry is not dying… it’s just coming alive.”
Uhm, have you seen the record sales over the years, Taylor?
While her perspective is certainly interesting and appreciated, she is, after all, Taylor Swift, and may have a slightly biased view due to her overwhelming success over the years. The “enthusiastic optimist” may be viewing the industry through her own pair of vintage rose colored glasses, but it certainly is a needed breath of fresh air to all the negativity that regularly circulates. If only we could all live in a fantasy like Taylor’s.
For Taylor’s full article, visit the Wall Street Journal, and let us know what you think! Is Taylor’s opinion more about the way things actually are or the way they should be? If songs are like relationships, how much would you pay for the one you love?
Written by Stevie Guarino