Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Speaking of cocktails, Rose’s Cocktail Infusions really kept the party jamming all night long. I myself drank the Ice Pear Legs, a pear-flavored, martini like drink. All I have to say is yummy! They really nailed that one. It almost numbed the pain shooting in my feet from my stilettos that I had been standing in for 12 hours! But really for that you would need government grade pharmaceuticals!
I also interviewed the cast of “12 Rounds” a new action/adventure flick coming out in March starring John Cena. Ashley Scott was a total sweetheart and guaranteed me that chicks would dig this flick. It doesn’t hurt that there are some great smooching scenes, she tells me. She also told me that she was going to curl up at home with her boyfriend and a bowl of popcorn to watch the Oscars. That actually sounds amazing, esp. after being on your feet talking all day! Brian White and Gonzalo Menendez seemed very happy with the flick, as they are both central characters in the plot. Gonzo even told me that there were injuries on set during some of the stunts. I told him it must be good luck and that the movie would do well in the box office (fingers crossed!) DJ Paul from 3-6 Mafia was another fun interview. Did you know that he has already won an Oscar for the theme song from “Hustle and Flow”? He told me he was rooting for Taraji P. Henson at the Oscars all the way.
But the most important interview that I did tonight was with Manuel Ramos, a 16 year old who battles Cystic Fibrosis. He was awarded an evening with the WWE and to meet John Cena in March by The Make-A-Wish Foundation. A truly inspiring young man, he knew everyting about wrestling and was just so happy to be on the Red Carpet. He fulfilled his dream of meeting his wrestling icons and his father couldn’t have been more supportive. I hope he remembers this evening fondly and little does he know that there are people who’s lives he touched tonight. Now that is a star!