It is hard to believe that after almost 30 years since the AIDS virus was first discovered, there are still 33 million people in the world living with the disease with 3 million newly diagnosed cases last year. In fact, almost 2 million people died last year as a result of the epidemic, according to the UNAIDS website. And every 9.5 minutes in this country, a new person is infected with HIV according to the Centers for Disease Control Website. This is still a very serious disease that affects huge numbers of people not only in our country but also around the world. Today is a day that we remember those who have succumbed to this devastating illness, as well as those who are currently living with HIV/AIDS and their fight to survive, and the need for a cure. Education, getting tested, and prevention are essential to slow the rate of growth of HIV/AIDS, which starts with each and every person.
Click here to go to the Act Against AIDS website to see the facts on HIV/AIDS in the U.S., how you can help, & where there are testing facilities in your area.