The dark drama, Super, premiered at The Egyptian Theater in Hollywood on Monday night to a bright sea of stars. The film centers around Rainn Wilson’s character, Frank, whose wife, played by Liv Tyler, becomes influenced by a drug dealer. So, Frank transforms himself in a superhero-Crimson Bolt-in order to cope. The film also stars Ellen Page, Kevin Bacon, and Castle’s Nathan Fillion.
Chatting with Wilson is always fun because you never know what you are going to get! For example, when I asked him about his on-screen lip locks with the gorgeous Liv Tyler, he joked: “She’s terrible! Way too much tongue, way too much saliva. Don’t tell her!” as she stood mere feet away. He also did give me a piece of fashion advice, “Everybody looks good in spandex…..get yourself in some spandex!” Not sure about that one. For more fun Rainn-isms, catch my interview with him below:
Tyler looked amazing in black Helmut Lang pants, Christian Louboutin open-toe lace up booties, and Givenchy clutch. In fact, she even opened her pocket book with a giggle announced, “Look at this!” to reveal to me that she also had a Givenchy lip gloss. All fun purchases from her shopping trip earlier in the day. Her Mom taught her right! And her father, Steven Tyler, told me that “he was there to support my daughter” between bites of his Fat Burger, while at the after party at the supperclub.
Funnyman Craig Robinson enjoyed the view from the VIP section, along with Rainn who busted out some interesting dance moves that got guests’ attention. He wasn’t the only one dancing-Fillion held court with a group of doe-eyed ladies, who were sipping Svedka Vodka cocktails and Java Monster. These captivated ladies would bat their eyelashes at him after each one of his dance sequences (and there were several!), even laughing when he fell into their laps! A night of fun had by all!
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Also, my chat with director James Gunn: