Red Carpet News


The Bob Barker photo: JoAnn McArthur

The Bob Barker photo: JoAnne McArthur

There is a new force in town that has joined the Sea Shepherds in order to protect whales from some Japanese fisherman and their ILLEGAL whaling activities in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. And it has come from an American game show icon-Bob Barker, a well known animal activist. Bob has personally donated $5,000,000 which funded the Bob Barker, a large ocean vessel to help the Sea Shepherds in their never ending mission to stop these illegal whaling activities. And Bob couldn’t be more thrilled with what the Sea Shepherd’s goals,“I’m delighted to be able to help the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in its mission to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans. There is lot of talk about preserving our ecosystems and species, but this is one organization that puts these words into action.”

Japanese Whalers processing a harpooned whale photo: koichi kamoshida/getty images

Japanese Whalers processing a harpooned whale photo: koichi kamoshida/getty images

This was the first time the Sea Shepherds had 3 fleet ships designed to do 3 different tasks, to be more effective in protecting the lives of theses whales and force the Japanese to cease these barbaric activities. Unfortunately, just yesterday, one of the conservationists’ ships (Ady Gil) collided with a Japanese whaling vessel and sustained major damage and will probably not be salvageable. Luckily, only one of of the protectors was injured and all were rescued by the Bob Barker. Here is the video of the collision:

I don’t know if you have ever watched Whale Wars on Animal Planet which documents the plight of the Sea Shepherds and the relentless chasing the whales are subjected to by the Japanese whalers, but it certainly is a show to get your blood boiling. The good news is that in the face of all of this negativity and destruction, the Sea Shepherds have no intention of backing down. Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherds’ Steve Irwin emphatically stated, “The Japanese whalers have now escalated this conflict very violently. If they think that our remaining two ships will retreat from the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary in the face of their extremism, they will be mistaken.  We now have a real whale war on our hands now and we have no intention of retreating.” Thank you Bob Barker and go Sea Shepherds!

Click here to read more about the Sea Shepherds heroic efforts.

Click here to follow the “Friendly Crew” on Twitter for their latest updates on the whale wars in the Southern Ocean Whale Santuary.

Click here to follow the Sea Shepherds on Twitter.

Click here to go to the Whale Wars homepage.

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