Red Carpet Healthy


Nelson Mandela passed away at his Johannesburg, South Africa home today. He was 95 years old.


In his long and full life, he accomplished so many things that many would view as impossible. He spent 27 years in a prison for opposing apartheid, won the Nobel Peace Prize, and became his country’s first black president. Not only that, he was a revered icon who served as the inspiration for millions of people, including President Obama who remarked,”He achieved more than could be expected of any man. He belongs to the ages.”

The current President of SA, Jacob Zuma, said Mandela will be buried with full state funeral. He is survived by his third wife Graca Machel, three daughters and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. One of my favorite quotes from this amazing man is,”Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” What’s yours? Nelson Mandela RIP.

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Beauty February 6th, 2024

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