Red Carpet Healthy


How badly does it suck to have a great night out and the next day, to wake up feeling nothing like your normal self? And the hangover has set in. While some of us feel nauseated, others have the feeling that their head is about to burst, or even worse, both ailments! We all know that feeling of misery that comes with a hangover. But here are some helpful methods to help you treat those deadly hangovers.


Sleep, although it may consist of many tosses and turns, it is vital to help cure the hangover. Hangovers usually pass within 24 hours…and we all know we would rather be asleep for it than awake. As soon as you wake up one thing should be on your mind- WATER. Drink as much water as you can in hopes of making that pounding headache not pound anymore. After a few cups of water, it helps to drink some juice. Your body needs some natural sugars and juice can do just the trick. The juice will also rejuvenate your body with essential vitamins. We suggest cranberry, but understand if you had one two many cranberry vodkas, apple or orange can do the trick too.

water hangover

Even though food maybe the last thing on your mind…indulge. Eat a cheeseburger and fries with a shake if that’s what you need. Carbs are just the thing to soak up any of that excess alcohol in hopes of relieving that hangover quicker. Not to mention, who wouldn’t pass up a cheeseburger? 


You may think that an over-the-counter pain reliever is just what you need, but it might not be the best choice. Mixing this type of medication with alcohol is not good. It could lead to blood thinning, stomach bleeding, and an even worse headache.

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And if all else fails, you can always drink more! While some of us cannot even look at alcohol the day after a crazy night, others find that the only way to cure the awful hangover is by the hair of the dog. Try not to drink exactly what you drank the night before, but something that will distract you from the pain you are in. A good suggestion: the bloody Mary. With the tomato juice and celery, you are good to go with healthy nutrients. After suffering a hangover, you often feel like you are never going to drink again…but that usually doesn’t last for long. Happy Hangover and tell us what you use to treat this common, but not fun, consequence of cocktailing.

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Posted in Red Carpet Healthy


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Beauty February 6th, 2024

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