Red Carpet Healthy


Lack of sleep doesn’t just affect how we feel anymore, but it can also make you gain weight. Ugh! In a new study by the University of Chicago, researchers determined that sleep-deprived nights caused reduced sensitivity in fat cells by 30 percent! And the less sensitive those cells are, the less your body produces the hunger-regulating hormones. In other words, the less sleep you are getting, the hungrier you feel and the more you eat.

photo: bembu

photo: bembu


So since rest is important for our mind and body, here are some tips on how to improve your sleep and to try to avoid undesired weight gain.


1.     Make a specific bedtime each night. I know it sounds childish, but just as with many other things, it’s better to have a routine in this case. My bedtime tends to change, but I try to keep it as steady as I can.


2.     Keep your bedroom at a lower temperature. It is much easier to sleep in a cool to cold room. It sometimes even helps to take warm bath or shower before bed to warm up the body and then lower the thermostat and pile on the blankets to achieve a good night’s sleep!


3.  Turn off the electronics. It’s so hard to say goodnight to Twitter, Instagram, and reality tv at bedtime, but it’s for the best. Try to power off all electronics an hour before bed. Why? Because the blue lights from electronics can suppress your necessary sleep hormone. And without all of the distractions, you should have more restful sleep.


4.    Sleep with white noise. When it is time for bed, it’s also time to turn on the fan or invest in a sound machine. The white noise will allow you to focus on the pleasant sound rather than the many thoughts running through your head.


5.    And the hardest part is no alcohol or caffeine after sun down. While it may seem that alcohol makes it easier to fall asleep, it can be deceiving! And staying away from caffeine is a must. But the alcohol thing, well, let’s just take baby steps!

photo: plush beds

photo: plush beds


Beauty sleep is very important! Let me know what you do to assure your 6-8 hours are peaceful and relaxing.

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Posted in Beauty, Red Carpet Healthy

  1. Jenn says:

    This article is so helpful..I had no idea that fat cells were linked to sleeping, just one more thing I have to worry about. Your tips seem very helpful-but I also sleep with an eye mask and spray my pillow with aromatherapy to help fall asleep. You should try it sometime!